Ballot Language: Proposition L (Lifesaving Equipment)
Shall the Warrenton Fire Protection District borrow money in the amountof ten million dollars for the purposes of decreasing response times to 911emergency calls and carrying out the mission of the Fire Protection Districtby purchasing life-saving fire apparatus, medical equipment, auxiliaryequipment and vehicles; constructing, improving, equipping andfurnishing fire stations and infrastructure in response to increased demandin call volume; acquiring any land necessary therefor; and refundingoutstanding lease obligations; and issue general obligation bonds for therepayment thereof?
Ballot Language:
Proposition F (Fire Safety)
To keep pace with rising costs related to fire protection and emergency medical response, and the population growth of the district, shall the board of directors of the Warrenton Fire Protection District be authorized to levy an additional tax of not more than twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars of assessed valuation to provide funds for the support of the district?